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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influx of Foreign Direct Investment into Myanmar |
Country | : | Myanmar |
Authors | : | Dr. Khin Thida Nyein |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0901010108 ![]() |
Abstract: His study aims to investigate the reasons for the fluctuation of the inflows of direct foreign investment into Myanmar. Employing the data on the influx of foreign direct investment into the country from 1989/90 to 2016/17, the possible causes of increasing and decreasing inflows of FDI into Myanmar are observed. According to this study, the factors such as Asian economic crisis, U.S federal sanctions, lack of infrastructure (particularly poor electric power condition), weak telecommunication services and expensive charges, unstable macroeconomic environment, frequent changes of rules and regulations and lack of transparency in its administration over the study period may be the reasons for the fluctuation of FDI inflows into the country...............
Keywards: FDI, Market Size, Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, Openness
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Abstract: Currently, financing in sharia banks with a profit-sharing principle does not occupy a major portion namely about the liquidity aspect with Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) indicator and Funds raising of Third Party on the financing growth with principle of profit-sharing on sharia Banking in Indonesia. Quantitative research is begun with determining hypothesis, analysis model, variables identification, operational definition, secondary data collection based on population and sample, and doing analysis. The liquidity aspects will significantly affect the financing growth with principle of profit-sharing or in other words the results of this research support the theory in which liquidity aspects will affect the financing growth with principle of profit-sharing. So to increase financing growth with principle of profit-sharing on sharia banks the management of sharia banks always need to innovate product and can explore a wealth of varied financial schemes...............
Keywards: likuiditas, Bagi Hasil, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR),
[1]. Al-Haritsi, Jaribah Bin Ahmad. Fikih Ekonomi Umar Bin Al-khathab, terjemahan oleh Asmuni Solihan Zamakhsyari. Jakarta: Pustaka Alkautsar.2014.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the operational of mudharabah contract in BPR Sharia in Surabaya, also to analyze the people understanding and experience on the operational of mudharabah contract. The method applied in this study is qualitative method with phenomenological approach that underlined on the essence of social reality and to know what is being existed in a society. The study result shows that the capital owner (shohibul mal) understanding and knowledge which is already explained first about mudharabah contract as they became the customer and their trust on the performance of BPRS KMS, while the understanding and the experience of the entrepreneur (mudharib) follows the rule of RI constitution number 21 year 2008, and also follow the Fatwa of National Sharia Council Number 02/DSN-MUI/IV/2000. As for the advantage of mudharabah saving are; the characteristics...............
Keywards: Mudharabah contract, BPRS
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Abstract: Strategic plans are of pertinent concern in contemporary management. However, it's successful implementation remains of greater concern and is an essential challenge for most organizations. It has been noted that there is a high failure rate in the implementation of strategy. This is as a result of the existence of several potential barriers to the effective implementation of strategy. Leadership, specifically strategic leadership, can hinder or enhance effective strategy implementation. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of leadership on the implementation of strategic plans in SACCOs in Kenya with specific reference to Mwalimu SACCO in Nairobi County. The study is anchored upon the theory of upper echelons and descriptive survey research design was adopted............
Keywards: strategy, implementation, leadership.
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Abstract: Asymmetry of price transmission uses price data and information to determine market performance and imperfections. The analysis may be spatial (Horizontal) or along the marketing chain (Vertical). This paper sought to analyze vertical price transmission in the Kenyan sugar market supply chains. Time series data was extracted from the Kenya Sugar Board Year Book of Statistics. Monthly Sugar prices for producers, wholesalers and retailers were obtained for the period of 2003 to 2014. Tests for unit root using Dickey Fuller test, Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schimidt-Shin (KPSS) test and Phillips-Perron tests found out that the time series exhibited unit root. Johansen cointegration test showed no co-integrating equations. A Vector Autoregression was estimated. Granger Causality Wald tests..........
Keywards: Price Transmission, Symmetry, Threshold Cointegration, Vector Autoregression
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Abstract: Using data from the National Survey of Living Standards of Households in Morocco conducted in 2007 (NSLSHM 2007), we show that intergenerational income mobility (IIM) in Morocco is lower compared to that recorded in industrialized countries, namely, USA , Great Britain and Germany.We also show that education plays a minor role in comparison with the role it plays in the industrialized countries in the process of income mobility, mainly because of its lowefficiency. In addition, secondary education contributes negatively to mobility.The robustness of these results is supported by both the models borrowed from the literature and our logit model.Other factors such as activity sector and area of residence are also analyzed.
Keywards: Public education expenditures- intergenerational income mobility - National survey on the living standards of households - logit model - Morocco.
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Abstract: The study projects on average, the profitability of Nigeria's iron ore company, NIOMCO (National Iron Ore Mining Company) in Kogi State, amid her current economic status. In attempt to project the profitability surrounding the company's operations, the Net Discounted Present Value was employed, over a projection of five years. Interestingly, the outcome of the projection revealed that, selling at the current global market price of iron ore ($62.59), considering Nigeria's current inflation rate and Dollar to Naira market exchange rate will not be profitable to NIOMCO, with 'all things being equal' within a projected period of five years. Therefore, it recommends that the entity be privatized to foreign investors with adequate financial and technical capacity to saddle the operations of the entity throughout five years and a tax holiday of five years should also be granted, as a coping strategy to willing investors. It also recommends that, a new price be set, at least to cover running expenses, if it must be sustained, as Nigeria journeys through a period of economic vulnerability, as she seeks to diversify her economy.
Keywards: Diversification, NIOMCO, Iron ore, Itakpe
[1]. Adebimpe, R.A., & Akande, J.M., (2011): Engineering economy analysis on the production of ore in Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.1; 14-20; DOI: 10.4236/gm:2011.11002.
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Abstract: Investors invest in stock markets to make profits. Low risk investors always look for ways in investing their capital in stable stocks which pay high dividend and those which do not depreciate over time eroding the capital invested. This very idea makes an investor to move forward in investing in high yield stocks. The term yield describes the amount in cash (in percentage terms) that returns to the owners of a security, in the form of interest or dividends received from the security. Due to volatility in the stock markets investors look for stocks paying higher dividends and dividend yield stocks typically do not witness significant up moves or downfalls, offering some cushion against market volatility. The research aims at proving that all high yield stocks are not stable and total return on portfolio..........
Keywards: High yield stocks, dividend, Nifty.
[1]. Vitali Kalesnik, Engin Kose, Chris Brightman 2015. The Market for "Lemons": A Lesson for Dividend Investors, Research affiliates,
[2]. Arnott, Robert D. 2003. "Dividends and the Three Dwarfs", Financial Analysts Journal, Vol- 59, No. 2, pp. 4–6.
[3]. Keppler, A. Michael. 1991. "The Importance of Dividend Yields in Country Selection." Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol -17, No. 2, pp. 24–29.
[4]. Greg.S.Fisher. 2013. "Dividend investing: A value Tilt in Disguise?, Journal of financial planning, Vol.26, No.4.
[5]. Reddy, Y. S., & Rath, S. 2005. "Disappearing Dividends in Emerging Markets?: Evidence from India". Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 58-82.
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Abstract: Independent Housing Stimulus Assistance Program (BSPS) is a program initiated by the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in form of social assistance for low-income people (Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah or MBR). The assistance provided is intended to encourage people to renovate and expand their house so that it is fit for a living (healthy and safe). BSPS program provided for underdeveloped regions especially Pandeglang district which is close to the Capital of Indonesia is able to give a positive influence in order to improve the quality of habitable settlements for low-income people.
Keywards: Independent Housing Stimulus Assistance Program (BSPS), Habitable Settlements Quality
[1]. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pasal 28H ayat 1.
[2]. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 11 Tahun 2011 tentang Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman.
[3]. Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia nomor 20 Tahun 2015 tentang perubahan atas peraturan menteri pekerjaan umum dan perumahan rakyat nomor 20 tahun 2014 tentang Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan dalam Rangka Perolehanrumah Melalui Kredit/Pembiayaan Pemilikan Rumah Sejahterabagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah.
[4]. Peraturan Menteri Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 06/Permen/M/2006 tentang Pembangunan/Perbaikan Perumahan Swadaya Melalui Kridit/Pembiayaan Mikro Dengan Dukungan Fasilitas Subsidi perumahan.
[5]. Peraturan Menteri Nomor 08/Permen/M/2006 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pemberian Stimulan Untuk Perumahan Swadaya Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Melalui Lembaga Keuaangan Mikro/Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | BankofSouth Sudan's Governance,Nature, Growth, and Impact ofBankingSector on the Economy |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Gabriel Garang Atem |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0901018295 ![]() |
Abstract: This article studies Bank of South Sudan's governance structure, and its conformity to principles of independence, transparency, and accountability. It evaluates nature and growth of banking sector in South Sudan and impacts on the economy. This paper adopts a case study, evidentiary documentary evidence as corroborated by personal eye-witness accounts of the author, and uses cross-comparative analyses with Kenya and Uganda as baselines. This study finds that Bank of South Sudan's governance structure does not conform to required best governance practices of a central bank. The banking sector is extremely under-capitalized; the loan-deposit ratio is only about 15%, while only 3% South Sudanese access financial services as at the end of December 2013. The governance structure and banking sector contributed to the deterioration of South Sudan's macroeconomic fundamentals............
Keywards: Independence, transparency, accountability, central bank's governance and South Sudan
[1]. Abor, Joshua, Peter Quartey, Tilman Altenburg, Christian Von Drachenfels, James B Ang, Warwick J Mckibbin, Badi H Baltagi, et al. 2010. ―Central Banking in Africa: Prospects in a Changing World.‖ Bank for International Settlements Communications CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland 58 (1):1.
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[3]. Adam, Christopher, and Lee Crawfurd. 2012. ―Exchange Rate Options for South Sudan,‖ no. May:1–31.
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[5]. Amtenbrink, Fabian. 2004. ―The Three Pillars of Central Bank Governance - Towards a Model Central Bank Law or a Code of Good Governance?,‖ no. May:1–14..